About Jenn


Operations Lead
Favourite asana: This varies depending on the needs of the moment. However I find myself in Sukhasana regularly for meditation
Based in: Bali, Indonesia


I’ve been on a mission to show that Yoga is accessible to all who seek it for many years as a teacher, devoted practitioner, student and friend. 

My personal relationship with Yoga began in 2009 when I was seeking support in rehabbing a spinal injury. I remember working with a Yoga teacher at that time and she instructed me to develop a meditation practice. My initial response was one of much resistance. The thought of sitting with the physical pain I was experiencing seemed unheard of, especially after working with numerous specialists in the Western medical community who’s number one goal was to eradicate that pain.  Luckily I was desperate and gave it a try. 

I won’t sugarcoat it. The first few experiences with meditation were not easy. However the more I persisted, the more I discovered my ability to be with pain and to deeply listen. I developed a relationship with it and with my body. I began to understand the subtle, internal cues the many layers of my being were sharing with me and how to respond to them in a balanced way. My life began to change dramatically. 

The teachings of Yoga, Ayurveda and Jyotish are now central in my life. They support me in finding balance no matter what I’m doing and assist me in remembering my connection to everything around me. It is my Dharma to embody these teachings no matter where I am so that I may support the healing of those around me. 

I am honored to be a part of the Hale Pule team as Operations Manager. My main focus is on facilitating a Sattvic atmosphere where everyone on the team feels safe, empowered and inspired to share the teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda in their own unique way.